06 September 2012

Wrapping Up The Convention...

Here's what I liked.  I liked Joe Biden's speech.

He's easy to listen to, and it's easy to tell when he's lying.  I understand he has to toe the party line and tell people that Republicans want to starve old folks and let sick people die.  He might even believe some of that.  But watching him struggle to find one single solitary example of Barack Obama exercising courage in leadership made even me uncomfortable.  Imagine working so closely with someone for nearly 4 years and the only specific example of leadership and "courage" you can come up with is the night in 2011 when, from 10,000 miles away, the president said, "Go."

I think Joe Biden might just have the toughest job in the world, carrying water for B.O. and the Democrat Party.

President Obama's speech left me somewhere between flat and furious.  Here's the man who told us in his now-familiar arrogant manner that if he hadn't corrected the problems with the economy in 3 years, he should be a one-term president.  Now he's begging to have his contract renewed.

In 2008 the "3-year fix" to the economy was a pretty good bet.  Most recessions end themselves in much less time than that.  But what the omniscient B.O. did not count on was the effect his own fiddling with the laws of the land would have on the recovery.  The only thing markets and businesses alike really fear is uncertainty.  Normal business cycles don't really bother anyone, but when you have the most powerful country in the world changing its long-standing laws and policies with caprice and by fiat EVERYONE freaks out.

And when everyone freaks out nothing gets done to move toward growth again.

The crony capitalism of the Obama administration has pushed us even deeper into the disaster.  Hundreds of millions of dollars practically given to the president's friends and supporters in the guise of "investment" in "green technology" have increased the levels of uncertainty and further destabilized the economy.

If we give this man and his administration another four years, there's no doubt they'll fix America.  And they'll fix us good!  Just you wait...