06 September 2012

Key Learnings From The Democrat Convention...

Thanks to the Democrats, now I know what goes on in the unfathomable depths of the female mind!

The internal dialogue evidently goes like this:  "I'm going to the store to pick up some produce and chicken for dinner.  I sure hope I don't get pregnant in the check out line.  Then I have to drop off the library books.  How am I going to not get pregnant in the parking lot?  I guess I can just use the book drop.  On my way home I have to fill up with gas.  If I get pregnant at the pump that will really be bad.  And I have to chaperone the 5th grade field trip tomorrow.  Getting pregnant on the bus would be awkward.  I lost my job today, but at least I didn't get pregnant at the same time!"

Thanks to the Democrats, now I know that the primary concern of all minorities, black, hispanic, asian or otherwise - including the LEGAL residents and CITIZENS of the United States - is how to get Hispanics into the country illegally.  And I also understand that if people favor only legal immigration they are haters.

Thanks to the Democrats, now I understand that to not be deviant is to be abnormal.

All in all, it's been a good convention so far!

Oh, yeah.  And the hoax of global warming is still the Doctrine of The State and environmentalism is still the State Religion.