29 November 2010

Christmas Eve 1914 - Part I

08 November 2010

Recommended Reading...

If you have been wondering what it might be that drives President Obama's focus, attention, and decisions I recommend the unfortunately-titled "The Roots of Obama's Rage" by Dinesh D'Souza, president of King's College in New York.

It explores the President's own writings in "Dreams From My Father" and "The Audacity of Hope" searching for his psychological drivers.

Far from an anti-Obama rant, I found the book to be a quick read that succinctly examines the President's personal history and his policy decisions, as well as some of the previously inexplicable behaviors such as returning the bust of Winston Churchill that was in the Oval Office.

As Ayn Rand repeatedly asserted in "Atlas Shrugged", when we see a contradiction we need to re-examine our assumptions because there are no contradictions. 

This book was an interesting and enlightening read that will help conservatives and liberals alike understand the roots of their frustrations with President Obama. 

05 November 2010

Sexism or Ideology....

Okay, anyone who voted for a candidate other than Barack Obama in November of 2008 had to at least hear the broad accusation of racism. 

In my case, the accusation came directly from members of my own family.  They would not accept that my sole reason for opposing then-candidate Obama's bid for the presidencey of the United States was my diametrically opposed political and economic views. 

Mr. Obama was also virtually beyond criticism in the press.  Any mention of his middle name was taboo.  And on, and on, and on.

But did anyone notice the fact that the high-profile women who were closely aligned with the Tea Party movement were treated very differently?

It was alright to caricature them as bimbos; to point at their quirkiness; to mock their appearance; to question their intelligence, integrity, or intellect.

Did anyone fear being called a sexist?  No.

What is that all about? 

It seems that, just as it was in junior high school, the loudest, most assertive ones - regardless of the validity of their view or the level of their ignorance - are heard and not questioned.  Some people, just as they did then, put their heads down, look away, and pretend not to hear what they are hearing.  Other people, the weak-minded or insecure, allow their opinion to be swayed by the brash bully and quietly repress any urge to think critically or to consider the "universe of information" regarding that person.

How is it that people of integrity and sincerity are defamed, while double-speakers and deviants are excused and glorified?

To Christine O'Donnell, Sharon Angle, Meg Whitman and all the others who were denied the full support of the Republican Party while being subjected to the crudest and most degrading treatment by the Democrat Party and its minions, I say, "Do not give up the fight! 

"Your voices were heard because they were the voices of the quiet, hardworking, traditional and conservative majority of Americans.  Your loss in this election was only a battle.  It came because the process of unveiling the eyes and enlightening the minds of Americans dulled by generations of teachers who preached the gospel of mediocrity is a slow and laborious process. 

"Do not give up the fight!  Your voices, carrying our voices, were the first note of a chorus that can, will, must swell to fill the continent.  We say with you and through you, 'Leave us alone!  Let us try, succeed, fail or excel on our own!  We are Americans; our tradition is one of exceptionalism!  Allow it to be so and step out of our way!' 

"With you, we reject mediocrity.  With you, we reject dependency.  With you, we reject oppression.  With you, we reject the iron hand of soft tyranny.

"And with you, we embrace liberty in all its senses, with all of its individual responsibility and accountability, with all of its risks and rewards.  It is a heavy burden, but one we eagerly and willingly seek to bear."

You see, it is the ideology of that sacred and powerful principle of personal liberty that we seek, we Americans. 

This election of 2010 was more a cry for liberty than it was a rejection of Democrat ideas or an embracing of Republican promises.  It was a cry.  A deep, angry, primal cry.  One uttered by mankind since stone ages.  It is determined, demanding, and dangerous to any who will openly oppose it.