06 September 2012

Analysis of Two Classes of Leftist...

As I consider the appeal of Leftism, or as Mark Levin calls it "Statism", I am struck that there are two types of people who are drawn to the Ideal.

The first is the one who views himself as superior to others.  He sees himself as Naturally better than those who do not or cannot see things his Way.  You see it in his demeanor when he addresses Others.  You hear it in his voice when he explains the Ideal once again for Others who are just too simple-minded to grasp the elegance of the Concepts.  

The First is the one who feels he has an Obligation (it would be a moral obligation if there were morality) to lead Others.  And that Others have a Natural duty to follow Him.  Entitlement is good when the First feels the sense; it is bad if Others more successful than the First feel it - especially if those Others More Successful feel entitled to keep their own property.  

The second type of person who is drawn to the Ideal are those who view themselves as victims.  They believe that the game is rigged against them.  They believe that others get ahead because they get lucky or they get help.  The second type also feels a compelling sense of entitlement.  They don't feel entitled to lead others, though.  They believe they are incapable.  They are distracted by the "bread and circuses" of life.  Yet, the victims believe that their victimhood entitles them to the property of others.  "Fair" is their watchword and anyone who points out that taking might be unfair is demagogued as an insensitive, uncharitable person.

These two types of people live a symbiotic existence.  The First has the sycophantic bloc of supporters he needs to control the Others.  The First gets the ego boost he needs from slavering minions quietly jostling for his approbation.  The second gets taken care of.  The second willingly surrenders his personhood in exchange for the proverbial mess of pottage.  The First and the second fulfill each other's needs.

As I pondered this strange relationship the words of the Depeche Mode song "Master and Servant" came to mind.  I think it says it all:

There's a new game
We like to play you see
A game with added reality
You treat me like a dog
Get me down on my knees

We call it master and servant
We call it master and servant

It's a lot like life
This [omitted so small kids won't get TMI]
With you on top and me underneath
Forget all about equality

Let's play master and servant
Let's play master and servant

It's a lot like life
And that's what's appealing
If you despise that throwaway feeling
From disposable fun 
Then this is the one

Domination's the name of the game
In bed or in life
They're both just the same
Except in one you're fulfilled
At the end of the day

Let's play master and servant
Let's play master and servant

Let's play master and servant
Come on, master and servant