06 September 2012

Takeaways From Tonight's Convention Speeches...

1. Osama Bin Laden is the only one who is better off today than he was 4 years ago.  (J. Kerry)

2.  President Obama killed Muamar Khadaffi.  (J. Kerry)

3.  Mitt Romney is "extreme".  (J. Kerry)  Now, I always thought he was too moderate or even liberal for my taste.

5.  President Obama gives personally tools and training to our troops.  (J. Kerry)

6.  Not mentioning someone in a speech is the same as disrespecting them.  (J. Kerry)

7.  The president's single accomplishment has been saying "Go," to the teams that killed Bin Laden.  (Everyone, including the President Himself...)

8.  "Marine Corps" is spelled without the "s".  (DNC Propaganda Film)  I guess that is to remind President Obama not to say "Marine Corpse" again.

9.  No one welcomed Viet Nam veterans home before President Obama did. (DNC Propaganda Film)

10.  John Kerry, who served in Viet Nam, is also a veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan (Standing on stage with a group of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans)

11.  Delegates are hesitant to applaud for military speakers.  They seem unable to relate or connect with them.

12.  It's okay to kill someone who has committed an unspeakable wrong.  (J. Biden)


The LS Voice said...

One OTHER thing I learned from the Democrat Convention: 3/5 is smaller than 1/3. Did you HEAR the voice vote to (not) restore the mention of "god" and support for the Israeli state to the platform? Unbelievable...