31 March 2012

An Appeal To The State of Arizona...

To State Officials in Arizona:

I implore you to immediately cease the racist practices and policies that infringe disproportionately upon the basic rights of Americans of historical minority heritage who live within the borders of the State of Arizona. Reverse this racist and inflammatory legislation immediately.

By your racist and xenophobic laws you deprive minorities of all backgrounds - and indeed of all ages - of the Right to the Pursuit of Happiness. You seek to marginalize and stigmatize the underprivileged while, at the same time, ensuring that white people are free to enjoy the Pursuit by virtue of their privileged status.

Your bigoted law disenfranchises MILLIONS of your citizens and especially has a negative impact on immigrants, women and children. It is a well-established FACT that these most valuable contributors to our society CANNOT, due to expense, travel restrictions, or onerous documentation requirements, obtain valid state issued identification. Further, it is well-established that white people receive discounted rates, travel benefits and assistance, reduced waiting times, and are not required to show the same set of identifying documents as minorities when they visit the Motor Vehicle Department or the Social Security office.

I issue a call most serious and solemn to repeal the state law requiring state issued identification in order to purchase alcoholic beverages. This law prevents thousands upon thousands of minorities in Arizona from purchasing these products, and thus enjoying the recreational opportunities so freely available to whites in their communities.

Among our founding documents, the Right to the Pursuit of Happiness is mentioned BEFORE the right to bear arms, the right of privacy, and even the right to VOTE! If, as so many reasonable voices in politics today point out, requiring positive, state issued identification at polling places is a violation of our country's constitution, then Arizona's alcohol ID laws must necessarily be the same.

Strike them down! Repent of your persecution of the immigrant! Cease to repress children in their formative years! At last, free the slave! ALL must be equal in their opportunity to pursue the happiness envisioned by our founding fathers - the happiness unique to America.

27 March 2012

A Russian Wink and a Nod...

This is a conversation that REALLY took place between President Obama and President Medvedev, of Russia recently.

Obama: "On all of these issues, but particularly on missile defense, this, this can be solved, but it's important for him [referring to Vladimir Putin] to give me space."

Medvedev: "Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you."

Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."

Medvedev: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir. I support you."

Why do you suppose that President Obama, leader of the free world, is begging the prime minister of Russia, a second-rate post-communist wasteland, for "space" on the issue of missile defense - and "all these issues", too?

Is President Obama really planning to cede so much of our national security and sovereignty to the former Soviet Union that even his loyal base would revolt?

His cavalier response to questions about his statements has included his assertion that he's not "hiding the ball". And he's right. Mr. Obama has been very transparent about the types of "change" he wants to bring to America. His lap dogs in the media have simply chosen to mislead the voting public by failing to inform them of Mr. Obama's prior statements.

Single-payer national healthcare, back-breaking energy prices, a diminished role on the world stage, withdrawal from Middle Eastern conflicts regardless of the outcome, allowing the terrorist state of Iran access to atomic materials, weakening the US military, and abandoning allies are all things the President wanted to achieve before his election. They are things he has spoken freely of and things he continues to pursue by fiat and by legislation.

If this is "progress" then we must fight against progressivism in every aspect and every political party of our national, state and local government. We must find candidates for every office who will push back the tide of government solutions and liberate citizens everywhere to make for themselves what they would enjoy in this life.

25 March 2012

President Obama Stunned At North Korean Conditions...

President Obama has recently demonstrated both his naivete and his inability to recognize his own kind and the fruits of their common labors.

During a recent tour of South Korea, the president got a firsthand look into North Korea, ruled by Communists since the early 1950s. He was visibly shaken by what he saw. Even hours after the event, he continued musing.

"It's like you are looking across 50 years into a country that has missed 40 or 50 years of progress."

And, "If a country can't feed its people effectively, if it can't make anything of use to anybody, if it has no exports other than weapons, and even those aren't ones that in any way would be considered state-of-the-art; if it can't deliver on any indicators of well-being for its people, then you think you'd want to try something different. There are certain things that just don't work; and what they are doing doesn't work."

Mr. President, with all respect, North Korea is in the mess it is in because it has a government and a leadership that is ideological in the extreme. They, like you, are a "one trick pony". They do not try another approach because their ideology will not allow for another approach. You are the same in that you know only one thing: government control via taxation, regulation and redistribution.

Mr. President, with all respect, what you and other statists have been doing to the American Experiment for the past 80 years is not working. Someone once said, "You think you'd want to try something different." But the answer is the same. You will not try freeing markets and liberating your citizens from onerous taxation because you know nothing different. In your ideology there is no place for different.

Until you open your mind to the possibilities and reeducate yourself on the facts of America's exceptional foundation, you will continue to lead us down a road of economic destruction and despair. Indeed, 50 years from now, Canadians and Mexicans may well peer across the border into our country and wonder how we could have stopped so suddenly in our progress and regressed toward the Stone Age, like North Korea.

The principles of the Founding are as valid today as they were 250 years ago. Nature has endowed man with unalienable rights and NO GOVERNMENT founded by man has the legitimate authority to restrict those rights. Further, man was created to improve on his surroundings. Free markets and representative government, imperfect as they may be, are still the BEST way to allow the greatest number of people to achieve the highest level of well-being.

A Thought From Patrick Henry...

On 23 March 1775, Patrick Henry stood before the Virginia Convention in Richmond and spoke.

Among the many things he said, he is most remembered for the profoundly thrilling line, "I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"

In that speech he also said the following.

"It is natural for man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it. ...

"We are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of Nature has placed in our power. ...The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. ...

"If we wish to be free; if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending; if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained - we must fight!"

The siren song of illusory "hope" is sung by weak-minded dreamers and would-be tyrants in our day. They speak of "social equality" and "economic justice". They tempt our ears with "peace" and "unity". The price they ask to lead us all to this Utopia is our own, God-given liberty. Listening too long to that siren song will, as Patrick Henry says, turn us into beasts. Mere animals not free to choose their actions, but who are fit only to be acted upon by "masterminds" and social architects.

If we are to maintain the liberty handed down to us through hundreds of years and thousands of lives, we must fight!

How do we fight today? We do not fight with swords and guns. We do not fight with ships and cannon.

We fight by educating ourselves about the foundation of this nation. We fight by making the values and virtues that animated our forefathers our own. We fight be teaching our children that THIS is the greatest nation on earth; and the greatest nation in the history of the WORLD.

We fight by taking a stand for liberty and against tyranny wherever we are and with whomever we find ourselves. We fight by letting go of petty fears and embracing the spirit of bravery that led 50 men to pledge their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to the cause of LIBERTY.

24 March 2012

American Media May Be Asleep, But...

American media may be asleep, and content to report the White House talking points without much thought; but in Denmark, at lease one reporter has been listening.

And what he hears makes him skeptical about the sincerity of President Obama.

Danish TV Host Mocks Obama for His Rhetoric

23 March 2012

Freedom to Fail - Essential for Success...

I saw this at  I thought the author had a number of good points.

Freedom, so called, with no option is no freedom at all.  If we are allowed only to succeed - as long as we don't succeed too much - then where is our freedom?  The tyranny of forced success is as evil as scripted failure.

The liberty to inform oneself of the risks inherent in a venture, and then to choose to embark on it despite them, is a basic, foundational, Natural right.  It belongs to all mankind; it cannot be justly infringed upon by any power on earth or in Heaven.

By seeking to enforce equal results philosophers and states alike undertake an act that is expressly forbidden by the laws of Nature.  The violation of any of Nature's laws brings consequences as immutable, as sure and as final as those of Gravity.  Can one really wonder at the implosion of the European Socialist countries?  Soft though it was, the glove of the well-meaning tyrant's hand, in the end it will not - it cannot - support its unwitting victims.