07 November 2012

The Sum Of My Thoughts The Morning After...

"My God, what have we done?"
     - Robert Lewis
       Captain, US Army Air Corps
       Copilot on Enola Gay
       6 August 1945

05 November 2012

Not News - Media Covers For President...

On 12 Sep 12, President Obama gave an interview to Steve Kroft of CBS' 60 Minutes.  Here's a portion of the interview CBS did not air or publicize until this weekend.

It proves that Candy Crowley, in her 2-on-1 debate with Mitt Romney, was not the only one not telling the truth about the President's claim to have known and called the Benghazi consulate raid a "terror attack" on the day after.

02 November 2012

Is It Child Abuse...?

Is it child abuse to put patently false ideas into a young person's mind? 

What about the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny?

I have friends who don't let Santa in the house because they (the parents) think he's not real.  Their kids miss out on a lot of magic.

Maybe this kid's parents don't want him to miss out on any of the president's "magic", so they're willing to smile at the lie.

But I do think that this lie is a leetle beet more harmful than the others we tell our children.

Utility Workers Unions Responsible For Delays Restoring Power...

Labor unions in New Jersey are standing in the way of progress.  Again

This is outrageous.  And at the same time, it's not surprising to anyone who has worked with unions...

I do hope that this costs Big Labor some of the support and control it has enjoyed in the East and Midwest for the past century. 

In a crisis, people do not rise to their best.  Neither do they sink to their worst.  Their true character simply comes out.  And we see that with unions in New Jersey.