07 January 2013

Students Of Feeling. Thinking? Not So Much...

These people - Anarchists - are as deluded as the proletariat who follow the Socialist or Communist ideal.  They ignore - they even deny - HUMAN NATURE. 

As we know the maxim, "Nature abhors a vacuum," is true; so we know that political vacuums are readily filled by the most vile of men who are bent upon forcing their will on others.  We experienced that first-hand in Libya and Egypt last year.  We enforced that experience on the people of Iraq and Afghanistan early in the last decade. 

Removing the bad without a deliberate and organic transition plan will only result in worse.  In fact, addressing the Anarchist's ideal, they put society only a short step away from tyranny.  First we find tyranny of the mob, then fearing the mob we embrace the protection of a strongman.  We arrive at tyranny of the dictator.