10 January 2013

Four Years. No Budget. No Worries...

So, President Obama has said that he has made "no decision" as to whether or not he will submit a budget to Congress for approval before the looming deadline of the first Monday in February.  That's from 

He cites the "Fiscal Cliff" crisis that kept him from getting around to the task of deciding how best to spend $3,000,000,000,000.00.  On top of that, you have to consider the president's really busy holiday schedule that included a 20-day vacation in Hawaii.  No doubt, he planned to get up early - before Michelle and the kids - to sit on the balcony with his laptop and finish up the final details of that spending plan. 

If only those pesky partisan Republicans who control everything in the world hadn't made him fly all the way to Hawaii and then back to Washington and then back to Hawaii, he'd have had it done.

Let's be reasonable.

That looming deadline is what we "U.S. Americans" call a "law."

So, would the Internal Revenue Service accept my excuse, "I was really busy," as a valid reason not to file my tax return on time this year?

Sure, they have a "law" that says I need to file by the deadline. 

But let's be reasonable.

Seriously, the politicians we've sent to Washington - and to many state capitals, too - to represent us, to protect our freedoms by upholding our constitutions, and in the process to obey the laws need to start doing just that.

For crying out loud, just do the right thing!