23 July 2011


I just have to say how absolutely disappointed I am in the Republicans we have in the US Congress.

This is, of course, speaking generally.  There have been wonderful examples of individuals hearing their constituents' voice and standing on principle.  But as a group, they've been shameful.

It seems that, before the second week of November, 2010, Republicans in Congress were back to talking and acting as if they'd been defeated.  They acted - and continue to act - as if they believed the liberal press' assertion that their victory had more to do with backward, ignorant, racist voters showing up for a one night stand than it did with a wholesale rejection of the course the country was on; perpetual war, insatiable beaurocracy, limitless government, and reckless acquisition of debt.

To have Senator McConnell and others, including Speaker Boehner in the House, act as if they have to negotiate with the President and his cabal is disgraceful.  Their answer needs to be clear.  The President can do nothing to further his agenda of American decay and debasement.  They will not allow it.  They stake their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor on defending the Constitution from all enemies - even those domestic.

Instead they act like callow shivering dogs trying desperately not to wet the floor in the foyer every time Harry Reid or Barack Obama's name is mentioned; every time they're asked a question by a reporter.  Hoping eagerly to be allowed to lick some crumb from the hand of their master.  Ears down.  Tail tucked between their legs protecting their now impotent maleness.

Where is the Lion?  Who will roar in the face of evil?  Where are the Men?  I think it's wonderful that two women have taken up the banner of liberty; Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin.  And I think that every political eunuch should hang his head in shame at the mention of those names until they can find the intestinal fortitude to lead.  If they lack principle, let them heed more closely the will of their constituents.  If they be principled and good, let them articulate the reason for their action, the rationale for their decision so that all can understand.

For now, I'm sorely disappointed.  I'm disgusted.