This speech is a symptom of a pervasive problem. We "U.S. Americans" have allowed our representatives in the federal government to go away and forget about us. They need to be reminded regularly of their priorities; of their oath and obligation to defend the constitution and to serve their constituents in a way that will be good for all and that will preserve our nation for generations yet unborn.
Senator McCain's complete dislocation is not atypical of many in Congress, the Executive, or line bureaucrats in "public service". Every two years we have an opportunity to remind them in a forceful way that we will not be taken advantage of and we will not allow them to sell our children's future down the river.
It is the ballot box that matters. It is the ballot box that politicians must fear. It is the ballot box that separates us from Egypt, Cuba, China and so many other countries in the world. The ballot box is the only way for us to remind our representatives of their duty and to express our will on the government.
So, call your representatives. Write to them. Get to know them. Remind them that you are here. And vote your conscience. The root is that government is unruly and without strict limits it will grow (has grown) to crush the liberty of the individual.