29 July 2011

Keeping Focus...

In the spirit of not getting distracted, I'd like to address my rant on John McCain's Hobbit speech.

This speech is a symptom of a pervasive problem.  We "U.S. Americans" have allowed our representatives in the federal government to go away and forget about us.  They need to be reminded regularly of their priorities; of their oath and obligation to defend the constitution and to serve their constituents in a way that will be good for all and that will preserve our nation for generations yet unborn.

Senator McCain's complete dislocation is not atypical of many in Congress, the Executive, or line bureaucrats in "public service".  Every two years we have an opportunity to remind them in a forceful way that we will not be taken advantage of and we will not allow them to sell our children's future down the river.

It is the ballot box that matters.  It is the ballot box that politicians must fear.  It is the ballot box that separates us from Egypt, Cuba, China and so many other countries in the world.  The ballot box is the only way for us to remind our representatives of their duty and to express our will on the government.

So, call your representatives.  Write to them.  Get to know them.  Remind them that you are here.  And vote your conscience.  The root is that government is unruly and without strict limits it will grow (has grown) to crush the liberty of the individual.

28 July 2011

A Little Down-Home Advice...

Never Heard of BOEMRE...?

BOEMRE is the United States Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement.

Since 2004 they have, according to the Associated Press, received more than $50,000,000 in taxpayer-provided research money - in addition to the Bureau's regular allocation of taxpayer money.

I'm curious to know how one manages, regulates or enforces the ocean's energy.

I'm also curious to know why we're paying for this, when we face imminent default on our debt.  Maybe we ought to do what "real" companies do in similar situations.  They start cutting non-essential staff and activities.

We could start with BOEMRE.  (And the Departments of Energy and Education.)

27 July 2011

Are You A Hobbit...?

The only thing that makes me madder than this completely derisive comment by Senator McCain is that I'm not surprised that this is how he feels about conservative people who will not be cowed by hyperbolic fear mongering.

If anyone needed a reason to be glad that Senator McCain is not President McCain, here it is.  The man is despicable, arrogant, self-righteous and self-absorbed.  And here he demonstrates his absolute lack of grasp on either politics, politeness, or economic realities.

What an a**.  (With all due respect to his war record, his office and his humanity...)

26 July 2011

These Are The Times That Try Men's Souls...

With national hysteria on a par with 30 October 1938, it seems that America is about to explode.

We're going to stop paying all of our bills on 3 August if Congress doesn't let the President borrow trillions of dollars more than he already has?  Come on....

Old people are going to starve or die of sicknesses?  Soldiers are going to lay down their arms in the field?  College students will stop learning and professors will stop lecturing?  (Maybe that last thing wouldn't be too bad!)

If old people starve because they can't buy food it won't be because President Obama couldn't borrow more money.  It will be because President Obama inflated the money supply so significantly and so rapidly that we have fallen into hyperinflation, where a loaf of bread costs more than a pensioner's monthly stipend.  It will be because the host of enemies from whom we've borrowed $4,000,000,000,000 in 3 years have called our loans.

It will be because of a combination of well-meaning ideas, malicious schemes, economic laws, and natural timing have come together in the perfect storm.

Now is the truly last chance America has to maintain a ghost of its former independence.  Now is the truly last chance America has to begin regaining its independence and its standing among nations.  We must take the bitter pill.  We must make the sacrifices that will lead us back from the abyss.

(Irony of ironies; recall when President Obama was asked if he believed in the idea of American exceptionalism.  His response was that he believed America was exceptional in the same way "Greeks believe Greece is exceptional."  And now we follow Greece down the path of economic apocalypse!)

I say, "Stand fast!  Do not allow an increase to the debt ceiling.  Enforce the fiscal discipline on yourselves that we have heard preached at us from the pulpit of the Presidency lo, these many months!  What is good for the goose IS good for the gander!"

23 July 2011


I just have to say how absolutely disappointed I am in the Republicans we have in the US Congress.

This is, of course, speaking generally.  There have been wonderful examples of individuals hearing their constituents' voice and standing on principle.  But as a group, they've been shameful.

It seems that, before the second week of November, 2010, Republicans in Congress were back to talking and acting as if they'd been defeated.  They acted - and continue to act - as if they believed the liberal press' assertion that their victory had more to do with backward, ignorant, racist voters showing up for a one night stand than it did with a wholesale rejection of the course the country was on; perpetual war, insatiable beaurocracy, limitless government, and reckless acquisition of debt.

To have Senator McConnell and others, including Speaker Boehner in the House, act as if they have to negotiate with the President and his cabal is disgraceful.  Their answer needs to be clear.  The President can do nothing to further his agenda of American decay and debasement.  They will not allow it.  They stake their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor on defending the Constitution from all enemies - even those domestic.

Instead they act like callow shivering dogs trying desperately not to wet the floor in the foyer every time Harry Reid or Barack Obama's name is mentioned; every time they're asked a question by a reporter.  Hoping eagerly to be allowed to lick some crumb from the hand of their master.  Ears down.  Tail tucked between their legs protecting their now impotent maleness.

Where is the Lion?  Who will roar in the face of evil?  Where are the Men?  I think it's wonderful that two women have taken up the banner of liberty; Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin.  And I think that every political eunuch should hang his head in shame at the mention of those names until they can find the intestinal fortitude to lead.  If they lack principle, let them heed more closely the will of their constituents.  If they be principled and good, let them articulate the reason for their action, the rationale for their decision so that all can understand.

For now, I'm sorely disappointed.  I'm disgusted.

17 July 2011

Think Quick: When's Your Birthday...?

This was good for a laugh.

I'm fascinated that a man who thinks so much of himself misstates his birthday.  He made the statement on 15 July 2011.  He was born on 04 August 1961.  That's more like 3 weeks.

(Don't go thinking I'm a "Birther" or anything like that.)

Maybe he's been talking about "trillions" and "hundreds of billions" for so long that the difference between 1 and 3 is a rounding error.

I just think he's so caught up in his ideology and in executing his agenda on America and its people - especially the middle class - that he is not present.  He is actually and completely unaware of the day, the date, the place and the time.


Just like conservatives MUST be in order to defeat the emasculation that he would continue to perpetrate on the last best hope of humanity on earth; the United States of America.