11 September 2010


It was about 7:30am on 11 Sep 2001.  It was the second full week of my MBA program and I was opening my locker, getting my text books out for the day.

Janie was walking by and asked if I'd heard that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City.  We walked into the student lounge and joined a small group of our classmates watching a small TV that showed smoke pouring from the "Twin Towers".

The rest is history.

It was eerie, the feeling I had while watching the fires and collapses.  I was sick to my stomach.  My body didn't want to move, while my mind screamed at me that I should get back to studying. 

I remember the absolute quiet of the skies as no aircraft were allowed to fly in the country.  It was strangely peaceful to be outside in the crisp fall air.  The sky was blue and void of the contrails that had cluttered it longer than I'd been alive.  I remember thinking how incongruous it was that it was so beautiful on such a horrific day.

Since that day when nearly 3,000 Americans were killed, thousands more have followed them fighting and dying in Afghanistan and Iraq.  Tens of thousands have suffered life-shattering injuries and will never be their "old" selves again....



Kelli Proctor said...

I remember I had just had Austin and I was sitting in our first apt. at BYU and ROg was either at school or doing one of his 2 jobs he was working at the time...I was nursing Aust in the rocking chair in the back bedroom and I think Rog called and I turned on the news...I dont think I understood the significance of it right away but I learned soon...Also your thoughts on the 4th amendment are so true! I havent flown probably since before 9/11 so I havent seen how crazy they are first hand, but it seems odd to me that they search all these regular everyday Americans and dont think twice but everyone screams about the border and how insensitive we are! Are we crazy and mushy?! No we are strong Americans, and hopefully people are as furious as I am and November will change all the garbage that has been happening!!Well, atleast it might be a start right?
How come I get to have the coolest bro. in law around? I am so lucky! You are so awesome!