09 September 2010

I Missed This News From July - And March 2010...

Thinking about this rather whacky pastor in Florida who wants (or wanted) to set aside a day to burn copies of the Kuran-Koran-Quran has led me to think.

Many people are upset about his plan.  People on the political right and left have found a cause even more unifying than their support of the "Ground Zero Mosque".  They rush to anyone who will listen to warn of sending the "wrong message" to Muslims around the world.

We don't want to offend them!  This will just add fuel to the fire!  We must show our tolerance!  And on, and on, and on....

Comments and "reasoning" like those I hear on the news and in commentary blogs only show a lack of connectivity with the realities of the world we live in. 

First, if you believe the official report, we did NOT start this fight.  Only a 9/11 "Truther" would believe otherwise.

Second, if the continuing presence of 50,000 American troops in Iraq and 135,000 more in Afghanistan has not already upset the Muslim world, not much else will.  Conversely, if the Muslim world is already offended by our occupation of so much of their "turf", they won't be pacified until we have left - even if no one burns a copy of the Koran.

Third, regardless of who started the fight between the USA and "Radical Islam", Muslims all over the world have been slaughtering non-Americans for a long time.  Years.  Decades.  Centuries.  This is their way of life.  This is their primary method, historically speaking, of proselyting.  They will kill you until you confess Allah and become a Muslim.  If you think I am exaggerating, please follow this link for a Religion Of Peace Update.  It's a short news article from Australia about some killings in Africa. 

Our news outlets don't report this kind of stuff because African lives are worth less than  Arab or American lives.  They must be hanging on to that old "Three Fifths Compromise" idea that was so publicly popular with Democrats until the late 1960s. 

Right about here I want to launch into an unreasoned rant and tell everyone to just pull their heads out of their fourth point of contact and look around!  You'll see that the world today doesn't match the things you've been taught by teachers, parents, news reporters or politicians.  It's a mean, nasty, politically incorrect reality we live in - even if we're unaware of it!  And our enemy (we really do have one) is exploiting our weak-mindednesss to our detriment.

But I won't rant.  I'll continue making my observation and wrap up my comments, leaving them open-ended.

I'm not a big fan of burning books.  It smacks of Nazism and reminds me of stories from the Bible and other scriptures about burning people and things because of philosophical disagreements.  But if you want to have a fire, heck, the US Congress is okay with you burning the US flag; why not someone's holy text, too?