08 July 2009

Some Philosophical Thoughts Inspired by Senate Bill 909

Isn't it interesting how by very small and seemingly innocuous steps the Progressives in government work to restrict freedoms?

I'm not for hating gays.

I'm also not for shifting responsibility for others' actions to a third party. Blaming a preacher because one of his congregation commits a crime is not right.

Of course, a preacher - a true Christian - will not speak in terms that are deceptive, hateful or disrespectful. He will be sure to clothe himself with the love of Christ and to speak in the name of Christ. When he does that he will be gentle, respectful, loving and clear. Jesus and our Heavenly Father hate sin. They cannot tolerate it and it has no place in their presence. That is why God sent his Son, Jesus, to cleanse the world from sin if we will only accept him and follow him, as he invited his disciples of old.

Jesus loves the sinner. In fact he talked many times about searching out the lost sheep of his fold. I think of the woman taken in adultery. His injunction was merciful and firm. He told her that he did not condemn her. I imagine that his tone was one of pure love and desire for her soul. Then he told her to go and sin no more. With that same gentle love he clearly taught her what he expected of her. Sinners are welcome in Jesus' heart. He will clean them and present them to his Father pure and ready to live with them forever.

That is the miracle of the grace of Jesus and the justice and mercy of God.
When preachers use a tone other than one I imagine the Savior would use, I feel in my heart that they are not speaking God's word even if they are reading Scripture. And they will have to answer to a power even more formidable than the Obama Administration for taking God's name in vain.