07 July 2009

Hate-Crime Legislation Unneccessary and Unwelcome

I read the text of Senate Bill 909.

Some of my friends and family have expressed concern that it may impinge on the speech of religious leaders who express views against homosexuality. I disagree with that assessment, but I am not a lawyer.

It specifically EXCLUDES free religious speech from prosecution, but does include conspiracy and planning to commit a hate-crime.

I am opposed to hate crime legislation in general. I believe that an assault is an assault, a rape is a rape, and a murder is a murder, without respect to the victim’s origin, beliefs or behaviors.

If our existing laws were enforced we would have no need for additional definitions and divisions. If our existing laws are not being enforced, then we need to change the judges, the prosecutors, and maybe even the police departments. This can, for the most part, be done on a local level.

When we see that our county attorney is not vigorously prosecuting certain cases, we can oppose them in the next election, or if the case is serious enough we can request an investigation of the matter.

Police departments are especially subject to change due to popular opinion. If we see that police officers are behaving with bias we need to let the mayor and the city council know. All of their activities are a matter of public record. We are free to review them.

Judges may be impeached or lose re-election if they are known to behave with bias.

On that basis, and under the premise that we have enough laws on the subject already, and on the general principle that the Federal Government has no business “helping” my local government do its “job”, I encourage you to call your US Senators and ask them to vote “no” on Senate Bill 909.