27 August 2015

Will I Continue To Support the BSA...?

At least once a day I get an email from some organization or another.  About once a month I get a letter from the Republican National Committee.  Every few months I get a letter from the American Red Cross.  Twice a year the ACLU pings me with a 'survey'.  And once a year I am approached by the Boy Scouts of America.

All these groups represent themselves as having urgent needs for funding so that they can either combat some great evil or accomplish some great good.  And all these groups presume to know me.

Their communications seek to pull on some heart string or another, seek to play on some fear or anxiety, seek to exploit some prejudice or preference.  And the goal of that pull or play or exploitation is to persuade me to send them money.  Money that they need to help the world look more like they think I think it should.  Money that they need to help defeat monsters that they think I think should be defeated.  Money that they need to be able to promote causes that they think I think they should.

I delete the daily emails.

I toss out the Red Cross appeals.

I take time to complete a note to the RNC and ACLU.

And in the past I've cracked my wallet to give $50 or so to the BSA.

I'm not cold hearted, and I'm not stingy.  I want to support causes I agree with and organizations that support my set of values.

The daily emails?  I don't know who those people are, and I don't want to invest the time to find out.

The Red Cross?  Their cynical response to Mitt Romney's appeal for donated items in the wake of Hurricane Sandy turned me off.  It showed me who the leadership of the organization are - self important progressives.  I'm not interested in that.

The RNC?  They've never stood for my values.  They fought Ronald Reagan in every campaign he ran.  They continue to stand up despicable human beings like Mitch McConnell, John Boehner and others in Congress and across the country.  Nope.  My routine note to them tells them that I will not support them until they show me that they support my values, and step one in that process is getting rid of the scumbags they support in government.

The ACLU?  I could actually get behind these guys if it weren't for their all-in support of the leftist agenda and their inability to send an honestly objective opinion survey to my house.

And the BSA...  'On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.'  That's about 120 years old.  And I feel like the BSA, as an organization, has left that ideal in the proverbial dust as they've raced to keep up with the almighty dollar and the ever-moving target of popular opinion.  For years their executives have been paid too much to promote the values of the Scout Law too little.

And now, their caving to political pressure brought by progressive thinkers who falsely use the name of 1.8% of the American population has pushed beyond the pale of my tolerance.

So, no, I will not support the BSA anymore.  I will send them a note explaining why I am withholding funds, and instead I will donate everything I would have given to the BSA to my local Boy Scout troop in the form of equipment or assistance for boys without means to attend camp and other activities.

And I would encourage everyone to follow the dictates of their own conscience.