16 July 2015

Islamist Terrorist (noun, singular) Attacks TWO Military Installations (noun, plural)...

gun free killing

You might as well post a sign that reads, "TARGET RICH ENVIRONMENT."

Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, a 24-year old Kuwaiti native, killed 4 US Marines before being "enthusiastically engaged" by police in Tennessee.

The 'engagement' resulted in Mr. Abdulazeez's nearly instantaneous death.

Before you jump to conclusions, Ed Reinhold, the FBI's agent in charge of the investigation wants you to know, via CNN, that his team has "not determined whether it was an act of terrorism or wheter it was a criminal act."  Indeed, they are "looking at every possible avenue, whether it was terrorism - whether it was domestic, international - or whether it was a simple criminal act."


Here are some background facts you should know:
1. Virtually all federal installations, including all military bases and offices, are 'gun-free zones.'
2. The two installations attacked by the same man, Mr. Abdulazeez, today were 7 miles apart and in two different states.
3. The first attack included Mr. Abdulazeez sitting in his car outside a recruiting station and firing some 50-70 shots at the building.  He injured no one.
4. All 7 of Mr. Abdulazeez's victims - 4 were killed and 3 were injured - were working at the second site he attacked.
5. This is not the first Islamist attack on military recruiting offices or recruiting staff.
6. This is not the first Islamist attack on American soil since 11 September 2001.

Big Marathon Bomber
Marine Shooter
Ft. Hood Shooter
Little Marathon Bomber
Underwear Bomber
Shoe Bomber
Head Chopper

14 July 2015

Next Up: Nuclear Iran...

When USA Today, the fluffy progressive rag, comes out with a piece of analysis that really isn't opinion, but leans toward the facts, it's worth noting.

USA Today Article

And when USA Today's story actually tells us something that President Obama insists is not, it's worth reading.

The "deal" with Iran on nuclear programs that the "West" appears to have just made is a bad one.  Bad to the core.  Not only is in unenforceable, but even were the terms to be kept, it gives all up-side and no down-side to the Iranian regime.  We will see an Islamist state in control of a nuclear weapon in short order.

Given that we know Iran's history of supporting terror and aggression around the world, we should not be surprised to see that weapon used - either as leverage to force others into compliance, or as a bomb to disrupt the world.

The only question to be answered is, when that bomb is used, will the then-president have the courage and the resources to respond appropriately?

We will see.

13 July 2015

Progressives v. Family...

My gay friends have consistently, stridently and repeatedly argued that their push for what they call 'marriage equality' is not an attack on the traditional family.

This article exposes the lie that they've either been ignorant or party to.

Not An Assault On The Family...?!

How can any sentient being have been, or allow themselves to be deceived by this notion?  All one must do is find the origins of the 'gay marriage' movement.  They don't trace back to homosexuals.  Indeed, in the 1980s around San Francisco, where I grew up the message was loud and clear:  We choose the gay lifestyle because it's the anti-family.  We have no responsibilities, no children, no strings and no rules.

But then something changed in America.  We tilted to the left and became a much more government-focused people.  And then something changed in the 'gay agenda.'  The 'gay agenda' was co-opted by the 'progressive agenda.'  Just like the 'civil rights' movement has been hijacked by progressives, so has the gay movement.

Marx, in his Communist Manifesto cheerfully cries for "abolition of the family!"  His argument goes something  like this:  Since only the bourgeois (middle class) have intact families, and the proletariat (worker) is reduced to seeking fulfillment in broken families and prostitutes, the natural solution is to destroy the bourgeois family.  (Don't speak of building up the family as an institution among workers!)

Now, we have arguably the most Marxist president and administration arguing before the arguably most Progressive Supreme Court that children do not have a natural or fundamental human right to have a mother.  Just as Marx, they posit that, because some children do not have mothers living with them at home, no children should.

(Why not speak the truth:  Having a father and a mother in every home is the ideal.  The simple and sad fact that it is not so for all children does not make the ideal void.)

09 July 2015

More In Common Than Not...

MTV asks in its probing new documentary, 'what does it mean to be white in America?'

I reject the 'white privilege' assertion that is so popular among wealthy, young, guilty white American women today, and that is so aggressively crammed into their mush-filled skulls by elementary, high school and college teachers and popular icons who view themselves either as aggrieved victims of rampant hate, or elite and enlightened paragons of righteousness, or some bizarre combination of the two.

(I cannot be alone in seeing the irony of Michelle Obama claiming to be a victim of institutional racism, or Michael Moore railing against capitalism.)

What can be the intent of the questioner?  Only to highlight differences which, truthfully, seem to be a fetish for progressives.

By dividing and subdividing Americans into endlessly small special groups and classes, the progressive statist then gains the maximum effect of the old martial axiom 'divide and conquer.'  When we view ourselves as members of one impossibly outnumbered group or the other, then we naturally look for protection from someone else.

The larger question; the more productive, less divisive, and frankly more honest question, is 'what does it mean to be an American?'

To be an American is to own the traditions and heritage of truth and justice.  To be an American is to honor the liberties that come with personal responsibility.  To be an American is to respect the rights of all people to live as they wish, and to respect and uphold the laws that make civil society possible.  To be an American is to reject hate.  To be an American is to protect the weak.

Why not produce a documentary that illustrates the similarities Americans share regardless of race?  Why not highlight that young Americans are concerned with getting through school, finding and keeping a good job, love and marriage, raising a family, understanding themselves in a theological context, turmoil in the world, economic uncertainty and opportunity, and things like that?  Why not showcase the fact that young Americans value independent thought, freedom of choice, peaceful neighborhoods and good friends?  And why not demonstrate that things like these cross all races, all sexes, all classes, all preferences and orientations?

To be an American is to stand as the last best hope for mankind; between man's enlightened liberty and his benighted oppression at the hand of evil.

08 July 2015

Jack Ma, Alibaba CEO: Write Your Own Caption...

But remember, you'll probably be working for him one day...

Self-Inflicted Totalitarianism...

Here is some of what I've been trying to say about leftists and statism in America.

The New Totalitarians Are Here...

Far from being 'liberal', the statist elites and their lapdog press are moving us toward a totalitarian state (of behavior and being) that forbids free thought and expression, that encourages and perpetuates hatred and fear, and one in which you and I antagonize and terrorize each other.

The government won't have to change its laws.  Jack-booted government agents won't have to drag us to reeducation camps.  Because we, goaded on by the press and other self-proclaimed leaders who crowd and shout like 7th Graders, "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" will self-police each other.

Even now, we find ourselves without thought adding, "not that there's anything wrong with that," to any statement that might be misunderstood to be a values statement or to be judgmental.  We walk into a gun shop with the same apprehension with which we might have walked into a porn shop 20 years ago.  We conspicuously avoid posting things that might be offensive and instead choose images either deliberately neutral or that might be interpreted as supportive of the mainstream thought of the day.

Think about the environment.  Think about religion.  Think about history.  Think about race relations.  Think about sexual preference.  Think about education.  Think about national debt.  Think about welfare.  Think about national security.  Think about values.  Think about politics.  Think about personal responsibility.  Think about vaccinations.  Think about personal choice.

Think about just about anything that is NOT portrayed in a reality TV series, and you'll find something that has two and only two diametrically opposed sides.

On the one side, we must embrace the enlightened and liberating catechism of leftist tolerance; or we find ourselves on the other side - at once intolerant and intolerable, full of hate that is fueled by fear and ignorance.  We do not love.  We do not care.  We do not understand, as long as we do not accept, embrace, agree....

06 July 2015

Gay Marriage: What's Next...?

Whatever it takes to make you happy, you know...

But as the famous saying goes, your right to swing your fist ends at my nose.

This is a swing that I think is bound to conflict with and ultimately violate my right of conscience and the oft-flouted and more frequently misunderstood principle of the separation of church and state in America.

Justice Kennedy's comment after this decision belies his naivete or his willful misrepresentation of the facts.  He tells how he has heard stories from gay people wanting to get married and that they 'reveal that they seek not to denigrate marriage but rather to live their lives, or honor their spouses' memory, joined by its bond...'

But here's how it goes.  We already know that speaking in favor of a heterosexual definition of marriage is hateful.  We already know that hate (as long as it not the acceptable and expected type of hate du jour) is intolerable.  We already know that companies and individuals accused of hate can lose and have lost their livelihoods, including government contracts and tax favored status.

So, what happens to me?  I'm not a hater.  I couldn't care less with whom or what you do this or that.  I just don't want to hear about it.  Straight or queer, keep it to yourself, puh-lease!

But what happens to me?

I attend one of the many churches that adamantly supported California Proposition 8, some years ago.  That was the popular ballot initiative that passed with more than 52% of Californians voting to define and preserve traditional marriage.  While the will of the people in California was overturned by one judge after another, what will happen if my church doesn't change its stance on gay marriage?

I was assured by a gay friend of mine that this initiative in no way was aimed at impacting my right of conscience or other rights protected by the First Amendment, but I'm not so sure.

Migrant LOVE.

See, this is the thing most xenophobes and haters don't understand.  These people cross our borders illegally for LOVE.

Migrant LOVE...

The issue being not that American citizens aren't guilty of heinous crimes, but rather that this one crime could have been prevented by responsible enforcement of existing border and immigration laws.

UPDATE 8 JUL 2015:  The shooter claims to have found the gun on the pier and to have 'accidentally' shot Kathryn Steinle to death.  This still does not change the fact that, had this man been properly deported and prevented from returning to our country, he could not have possibly killed Ms. Steinle...