18 March 2011

On US Inaction in Libya...

Worth reading (the link at the bottom, not my ramblings)...

And, for what it's worth, anything we do now may well be viewed by Libyans as too little, too late. Their resentment and mistrust of us will have only grown as President Obama has waffled, sent ambiguous messages, and planned his vacation while "waiting for the UN" to act.

Understand, I am not a proponent of acting to help Libyan rebels. I frankly think that any people who want freedoms need to be willing to, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, pledge to each other and to the cause their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. So far, in our history, the people we have "liberated" seem to have lacked that personal investment. Yes, France came to our aid in the late 18th century. But they did not jump into the fray with money or troops until they were confident of two things: 1) We really wanted it, and 2) we were going to win. Our efforts to co-opt foreign support for our cause began long before Lexington and Concord; long before the Declaration of Independence.

And if you're really going to try to overthrow your government, you should not begin the revolution by throwing rocks and hoping the US will join in by dropping bombs. You should come to the US Embassy, Consulate, or that of one of our allies. Present your plan. Outline your leadership structure. Explain how your revolution will be better for us and the rest of the world than the last one was. Wait to throw that first rock until you have credible evidence of all the support you will need.

Libya debate still could benefit from more rigor (updated) - By Peter Feaver | Shadow Government