12 February 2011

Taylor Swift...

My nine-year old daughter thinks that Taylor Swift is just about the best thing that's ever happened to music. (I happen to think that not much good has happened to music in 20-or-so years.)

And today, her best friend gave her a Taylor Swift CD. Now it's playing over and over and over and over in my kitchen CD player while the girls make Valentine's Day crafts. At least I think it is playing over and over and over and over, but maybe it's just that the songs all kind of sound alike to me.

But as I think about Taylor Swift's songs I think, She's pretty open, brave, vulnerable. I think she's being pretty honest - dressed up with artistic license, to be sure - about how she's felt and how she feels.

Not that I think that she's overly profound or that I have any overly profound thoughts on her music.

I do think, though, that if we were more honest and more open and maybe even a little bit more vulnerable when we talk with each other, we might have more meaningful relationships.

If we really wanted to know how the people we meet are when we ask, "How's it going?"; if we really meant we were doing well when we said, "Good!", what do you think would happen?


Tricia said...

Well...whether or not Tina really wanted to know how I was the other day, she got an earful from me!!

Thank heavens for friends who are willing to listen or we'd all be curled up in balls somewhere.

And watch out for that Taylor Swift- before you know it your girls will be spewing lyrics in their sleep! I speak from experience.

The LS Voice said...

That's what I mean. Kind of nice, isn't it?