08 November 2010

Recommended Reading...

If you have been wondering what it might be that drives President Obama's focus, attention, and decisions I recommend the unfortunately-titled "The Roots of Obama's Rage" by Dinesh D'Souza, president of King's College in New York.

It explores the President's own writings in "Dreams From My Father" and "The Audacity of Hope" searching for his psychological drivers.

Far from an anti-Obama rant, I found the book to be a quick read that succinctly examines the President's personal history and his policy decisions, as well as some of the previously inexplicable behaviors such as returning the bust of Winston Churchill that was in the Oval Office.

As Ayn Rand repeatedly asserted in "Atlas Shrugged", when we see a contradiction we need to re-examine our assumptions because there are no contradictions. 

This book was an interesting and enlightening read that will help conservatives and liberals alike understand the roots of their frustrations with President Obama.