03 March 2010

President Obama Speaks Against Democrat Plan to End Filibuster...

President Obama speaks out against the "nuclear option" that would bar extended debate in the Senate.

Of course, what you hear from "back in the day" was the ranting of a party that did not control the Executive branch of our government.  Now that the Democrat party controls the Executive and Legislative branches (and still can't get anything accomplished) they are singing a different tune. 

According to Alan Fram of the Associated Press, "President Barack Obama urged Congress Wednesday to vote "up or down" on sweeping health care legislation in the next few weeks, endorsing a plan that denies Senate Republicans the right to kill the bill by stalling with a filibuster."

He's like, as he said in the video, Karl Rove....  What an interesting turn.  Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely, right?


Kelli Proctor said...

seriously John, he reminds me of a spoiled brat who doesnt care how anyone else feels, as long as he gets what he wants! I feel so bad that I really dislike a person so much! Who is this guy?! And who does he think he is?! Oh yeah, he is our President, the one America voted in, so now that is our problem, not his! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! He is so annoying!

Anonymous said...

No kidding!

Dina said...

I have been waiting to hear your take on the health care reform bill! Where are you John?!