25 March 2012

President Obama Stunned At North Korean Conditions...

President Obama has recently demonstrated both his naivete and his inability to recognize his own kind and the fruits of their common labors.

During a recent tour of South Korea, the president got a firsthand look into North Korea, ruled by Communists since the early 1950s. He was visibly shaken by what he saw. Even hours after the event, he continued musing.

"It's like you are looking across 50 years into a country that has missed 40 or 50 years of progress."

And, "If a country can't feed its people effectively, if it can't make anything of use to anybody, if it has no exports other than weapons, and even those aren't ones that in any way would be considered state-of-the-art; if it can't deliver on any indicators of well-being for its people, then you think you'd want to try something different. There are certain things that just don't work; and what they are doing doesn't work."

Mr. President, with all respect, North Korea is in the mess it is in because it has a government and a leadership that is ideological in the extreme. They, like you, are a "one trick pony". They do not try another approach because their ideology will not allow for another approach. You are the same in that you know only one thing: government control via taxation, regulation and redistribution.

Mr. President, with all respect, what you and other statists have been doing to the American Experiment for the past 80 years is not working. Someone once said, "You think you'd want to try something different." But the answer is the same. You will not try freeing markets and liberating your citizens from onerous taxation because you know nothing different. In your ideology there is no place for different.

Until you open your mind to the possibilities and reeducate yourself on the facts of America's exceptional foundation, you will continue to lead us down a road of economic destruction and despair. Indeed, 50 years from now, Canadians and Mexicans may well peer across the border into our country and wonder how we could have stopped so suddenly in our progress and regressed toward the Stone Age, like North Korea.

The principles of the Founding are as valid today as they were 250 years ago. Nature has endowed man with unalienable rights and NO GOVERNMENT founded by man has the legitimate authority to restrict those rights. Further, man was created to improve on his surroundings. Free markets and representative government, imperfect as they may be, are still the BEST way to allow the greatest number of people to achieve the highest level of well-being.