31 March 2012

An Appeal To The State of Arizona...

To State Officials in Arizona:

I implore you to immediately cease the racist practices and policies that infringe disproportionately upon the basic rights of Americans of historical minority heritage who live within the borders of the State of Arizona. Reverse this racist and inflammatory legislation immediately.

By your racist and xenophobic laws you deprive minorities of all backgrounds - and indeed of all ages - of the Right to the Pursuit of Happiness. You seek to marginalize and stigmatize the underprivileged while, at the same time, ensuring that white people are free to enjoy the Pursuit by virtue of their privileged status.

Your bigoted law disenfranchises MILLIONS of your citizens and especially has a negative impact on immigrants, women and children. It is a well-established FACT that these most valuable contributors to our society CANNOT, due to expense, travel restrictions, or onerous documentation requirements, obtain valid state issued identification. Further, it is well-established that white people receive discounted rates, travel benefits and assistance, reduced waiting times, and are not required to show the same set of identifying documents as minorities when they visit the Motor Vehicle Department or the Social Security office.

I issue a call most serious and solemn to repeal the state law requiring state issued identification in order to purchase alcoholic beverages. This law prevents thousands upon thousands of minorities in Arizona from purchasing these products, and thus enjoying the recreational opportunities so freely available to whites in their communities.

Among our founding documents, the Right to the Pursuit of Happiness is mentioned BEFORE the right to bear arms, the right of privacy, and even the right to VOTE! If, as so many reasonable voices in politics today point out, requiring positive, state issued identification at polling places is a violation of our country's constitution, then Arizona's alcohol ID laws must necessarily be the same.

Strike them down! Repent of your persecution of the immigrant! Cease to repress children in their formative years! At last, free the slave! ALL must be equal in their opportunity to pursue the happiness envisioned by our founding fathers - the happiness unique to America.